Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is there any way to prevent Nancy Pelosi from invading my brain and stealing all my good chicken recipes?

While she used powerful words in accepting the Speaker’s gavel that wrapped herself in the flag of God-fearing American patriotism, her deeds of the past speak far louder. Pelosi is pro-homosexual marriage, pro-abortion, even pro-partial birth abortion. She has voted against tax cuts, against the Patriot Act, against allowing the words “under God” to remain in the pledge of allegiance, and against allowing public displays of the Ten Commandments. She has voted against stopping illegal immigration. And Pelosi has worked to undermine traditional marriage, even by voting against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.

Pelosi closed her acceptance speech with a phrase associated with the Communitarian Network when she said, “Let us all stand together to move our country forward, seeking common ground for the common good.” The Communitarian Network is a self-described “coalition of individuals and organizations who have come together to shore up the social, moral and political environment…a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, transnational association.';

Communitarian doctrine puts government above individual rights by developing democratic consensus often using moral issues.Is there any way to prevent Nancy Pelosi from invading my brain and stealing all my good chicken recipes?
2 words: Aluminum HatIs there any way to prevent Nancy Pelosi from invading my brain and stealing all my good chicken recipes?
Don't worry she won't steal you chicken recipe, she makes enough money do dine out every night! As for getting her out of your mind, read the bible and pray hopefully that would get any sexy thought of her out of your mind!

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